Did you know that the collective noun for a group of goldfish is troubling? They also do not bite..
Gold fish has no stomach
Save your goldfish from indigestion trouble by feeding it small amount of food several times a day instead of feeding it a huge portion in one setting. Goldfish have no stomach to hold and digest ingested food. Instead, the food continuously travels from the mouth and out the other end while being digested. So putting large amount of feed in your goldfish aquarium will just waste the feed and spoil the aquarium water because goldfish can only take what their intestines can contain
Goldfish have good memory
If you have a goldfish aquarium, then you know how good goldfish are in remembering the person that feeds them. Goldfish have sharp memories in terms of remembering their owner. You can go on a cruise for three months and your goldfish would still remember you when you come home.
Goldfish need still water
Did you know that goldfish can get sea sick too? You might not think that they do because they can’t even survive a couple of minutes out of water. But goldfish’ ears are located in their heads like humans, so they get motion sickness when the waters are rough too. That’s why they’re best raised in a goldfish aquarium and ponds than in moving water like a river
With this tips, take good care of your goldfish and you both will be best of friends...
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